How California Closets Did It
California Closets Designer Kylee Clement became the ideal partner for Hannah Crowell of Crowell & Co. Interiors: Kylee focused on space management to maximize organization, while Hannah kept an eye on style. An open wall with a wide, high horizontal window provided the perfect spot for drawer storage; the wall to the left became shoe storage; and the wall to the right offered hanging space. A mantra of “clean and simple” became the guiding principle, with Hannah adding her signature whimsy with eclectic accents including a colorful rug, collected treasures, and beautiful Coven wallpaper by Maison C. for a statement finishing touch.
The final closet was perfect: simple and clean with everything in its place. A sanctuary for a busy, professional mom with two girls.
Kylee Clement
final result
A striking space both ethereal and efficient. Its streamlined storage easily houses a full wardrobe from shoes to dresses, while bohemian design elements make the space distinctively Hannah’s. The end result is a vision to behold—and a dream come true.F